Mahaviz Hostel

Gallery and Hostel Information

Room Prices

Facilities and Utilities

  • Self Electricity Meter (Some Rooms)

  • Power Generator

  • Study Room

  • Wifi

  • 24-Hour CCTV Security

  • Shuttle Services

  • TV Room

  • Gymnasium

  • Laundry Room (Pre-paid)

  • Pets Allowed

All rooms at Mahafiz Hostel are floored by tiles.

All rooms at Mahafiz Hostel have shared kitchens.

All rooms at Mahafiz Hostel have their bathrooms inside the room. (Self-Contained)

All rooms at Mahafiz Hostel come with moveable beds, a wooden wardrobe, student desks, and chairs, depending on the room’s population.

No room at Mahafiz Hostel is air-conditioned.

Mahafiz Hostel does not provide refrigerators and microwaves for its residents. They are, however, allowed to bring their own gadgets.

Hostel Location